Online Learning & eLearning Archives - The Tech Edvocate Authoritative EdTech News and Commentary Fri, 08 Sep 2023 12:41:23 +0000 en hourly 1 Online Learning & eLearning Archives - The Tech Edvocate 32 32 How To Design eLearning For Neurodiverse Individuals? Thu, 14 Dec 2023 05:01:33 +0000 The world is evolving at a rapid pace, and so are learners. Companies must give training based on the needs of the recipients. Learners can be neurodiverse; therefore, businesses must use caution. Hiring Neurodiverse Individuals Individuals perceive information differently due to neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is a relatively new scientific phenomenon that states that some people have different learning skills than others. What Exactly Is Neurodiversity? Some people learn procedures faster than others and are referred to as neurotypicals, but others acquire facts faster and are referred to as neurodiverse. However, the latter may require a greater emphasis on Learning and Development. […]

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The world is evolving at a rapid pace, and so are learners. Companies must give training based on the needs of the recipients. Learners can be neurodiverse; therefore, businesses must use caution.

Hiring Neurodiverse Individuals

Individuals perceive information differently due to neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is a relatively new scientific phenomenon that states that some people have different learning skills than others.

What Exactly Is Neurodiversity?

Some people learn procedures faster than others and are referred to as neurotypicals, but others acquire facts faster and are referred to as neurodiverse. However, the latter may require a greater emphasis on Learning and Development. It’s just that some people’s minds are wired differently than others. Companies must ensure that neurodiverse employees are not overlooked when it comes to training.

Companies should assess the characteristics of neurodiverse employees and assign appropriate job roles as a result. People who are neurodiverse and have exceptional memory and visual-spatial skills, for example, may thrive at geometry because they can analyze 2D and 3D figures. As a result, there are numerous methods for neurodiverse individuals to constructively contribute to a firm. They can also develop their soft skills by practicing through eLearning, like simulations. Because neurodiverse persons don’t get many chances to interact with others, their social skills may be undeveloped. In other words, they frequently lack social automaticity, whereas neurotypical persons may acquire a subconscious approach to external inputs such as cultural norms.

How to Make Content for Neurodivergent People?

Companies must ensure that neurodiverse employees are not overlooked. They have enormous potential to revolutionize a firm due to their outstanding abilities. Companies must create eLearning content that meets the demands of all types of learners. For example, the material’s text could be in Sans Serif type, which is easier to read. Dyslexic employees frequently struggle to read content printed in smaller font sizes. Therefore it’s a good idea to provide them with the flexibility to adjust the text. They can also be given content with wider line and character spacing. 

Because neurodiverse students typically have a varied perspective on knowledge, it must be structured correctly in the eLearning curriculum. The usage of visuals in the text should be maximized so that readers can grasp the material even if they are having difficulty reading it. Dyslexic kids, for example, can rapidly return to a part with the appropriate icons associated with it.

Companies may no longer choose to ignore neurodiverse persons due to the significant prevalence of neurodiverse people in the US population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every 42 boys is now born with autism in the United States. The prevalence is equally high among females, with 1 in 189 being affected.

Company HR must also be trained on how to establish a suitable employment environment for neurodiverse staff. For example, because noise overstimulation is a prevalent issue, providing them with headphones can improve their concentration at work. Companies can also train managers to identify neurodiverse staff and encourage them to participate. SAP has been conducting a program like this for four years, and it has resulted in better managers who are sensitive to the requirements of neurodiverse staff.

Why Is It Beneficial to Hire Neurodiverse People?

It has been discovered that neurodiverse people are 30% more productive than neurotypical people in software testing. Because of their improved pattern recognition ability, they are better suited to the function of a software tester. These findings were obtained when the Australian Department of Human Services hired 30 neurodiverse individuals for these positions. As a result, firms can benefit significantly from hiring neurodiverse employees. Neurodiversity is a means of thinking differently, and recruiting people who think differently can benefit a company in more ways than you might expect.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning Thu, 16 Nov 2023 05:01:21 +0000 Online learning, like most educational modalities, delivers benefits and drawbacks. Decoding and comprehending these benefits and drawbacks would aid institutes in establishing methods for much more efficient course delivery, providing a continuous learning journey for students. Learn Everything You Need To Know (The Good And The Bad) About Online Education. In the aftermath of the epidemic, the phrase “new normal” is already one of the most often used. The increased utilization of online learning tools has become the new standard in education. The COVID-19 outbreak has generated novel learning approaches. Online learning platforms are being utilized by educational institutions all […]

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Online learning, like most educational modalities, delivers benefits and drawbacks. Decoding and comprehending these benefits and drawbacks would aid institutes in establishing methods for much more efficient course delivery, providing a continuous learning journey for students.

Learn Everything You Need To Know (The Good And The Bad) About Online Education.

In the aftermath of the epidemic, the phrase “new normal” is already one of the most often used. The increased utilization of online learning tools has become the new standard in education. The COVID-19 outbreak has generated novel learning approaches. Online learning platforms are being utilized by educational institutions all around the world to assist them in continuing the cycle of educating students. The new normal is an innovative approach to education that centers on distance learning. Digital learning has now emerged as a critical resource for students and schools worldwide. Many educational institutions have had to adjust to a completely new mode of instruction. Online learning is being used to teach kids not only academics but also to facilitate extracurricular activities. The demand for online education has increased considerably in previous months and is expected to rise further in the coming years.

Online courses, like most educational modalities, have benefits and drawbacks. Understanding and decoding these benefits and drawbacks can help universities formulate strategies for more successfully presenting sessions, guaranteeing learners have a consistent educational journey.

What Are the Benefits of Online Education?

  1. Effectiveness

Online training allows instructors to provide lectures to learners more conveniently. Digital learning tools comprise movies, PDFs, and podcasts that instructors could include in their teaching materials. Teachers can improve their efficiency by broadening their lesson plans beyond traditional learning to include online resources.

  1. Duration as well as mobility

An advantage of online learning is that students can attend classes from any location. It enables schools to reach out to a greater network of students instead of just being constrained by geographical limitations. Online lectures can also be recorded and shared for later use. Learners can now access course content at their leisure.

Online learning allows students to learn at their own pace and in their environment.

  1. Better Student Attendance

Because online classes can be done from home or any other location, students are less likely to skip classes.

  1. Cost-efficient

An additional feature of digital education is that it keeps costs down. If compared to conventional learning, online learning is substantially less expensive. That’s because digital education lowers the expenses of student transport, lunches, and, most importantly, real estate. Furthermore, all course or study materials can be found digitally, leading to a paperless educational environment that is both cost-effective and ecologically friendly.

  1. Adjusts to a Variety of Learning Styles

Every learner has a distinct learning strategy and learning style. Some students like to learn intellectually, whereas others enjoy learning through hearing. Likewise, several children excel in groups while many others prefer to learn privately and are easily distracted by huge groups.

The digital training platform, with its numerous possibilities and tools, can be customized in a variety of different ways. It is the most appropriate method for generating a perfect educational environment that is personalized to each learner’s needs.

What Are the Drawbacks of Online Education?

  1. Issues with Innovation

Another big issue with digital learning is network connectivity. While high-speed internet has grown rapidly in recent decades, maintaining consistent connectivity with acceptable speed remains a difficulty in smaller communities and villages. If students or teachers do not have a consistent internet connection, the child’s learning may suffer. This is harmful to the learning procedure.

  1. Inability to Focus on Devices

For so many learners, one of the most challenging aspects of distance courses is the difficulty of focusing on a display for long durations. Students are more likely to become distracted by social networking sites or other sites when studying online. As a result, teachers must provide succinct, engaging, and interactive online classes to keep students focused on the subject.

  1. Training for Teachers

Instructors must have a basic understanding of how to employ digital modes of training to teach online. This, however, is not always the case. Teachers’ knowledge of technology may be limited. At times, they may not even have the necessary resources and tools to offer online classes.

To overcome this, schools must invest in teacher training on the most recent technological breakthroughs so that online classrooms run smoothly.

  1. Isolation Feeling

Being around their peers can teach students a lot. In an online class, however, there are limited physical encounters between students and lecturers. This frequently leads to a sense of loneliness among the children. In this instance, the institution must provide other methods of communication for students, classmates, and instructors. This includes online messaging, emails, and video conferencing, which enable face-to-face interaction and decrease feelings of isolation.

  1. Control Screen Time

Many parents are concerned about the health dangers of their children spending so much time staring at a screen. One of the problems and downsides of online learning is the rise in screen time. Students may acquire poor posture and other physical problems as a result of sitting crouched in front of a screen.

A good option would be to give learners frequent breaks from the computer to refresh their minds and bodies.

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Implementing Keller’s ARCS Model Of Motivation Tue, 07 Nov 2023 05:01:08 +0000 The ARCS Model of Motivation, developed by John Keller, is based on the premise that four critical factors in the learning process can stimulate and sustain learners’ motivation. These four factors comprise the model’s acronym ARCS, which stands for Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS). In this article, I’ll go through each of them and explain some of the eLearning tactics that eLearning professionals should be aware of to create truly engaging eLearning courses. The ARCS Model of Motivation’s Quintessential Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivation is a problem-solving method of learning that instructional designers can utilize to create more engaging […]

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The ARCS Model of Motivation, developed by John Keller, is based on the premise that four critical factors in the learning process can stimulate and sustain learners’ motivation. These four factors comprise the model’s acronym ARCS, which stands for Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS). In this article, I’ll go through each of them and explain some of the eLearning tactics that eLearning professionals should be aware of to create truly engaging eLearning courses.

The ARCS Model of Motivation’s Quintessential

Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivation is a problem-solving method of learning that instructional designers can utilize to create more engaging eLearning experiences. Let us begin by deconstructing it.

The ARCS Model: Attention

Keller proposed that attention may be achieved through either perceptual or inquiring arousal. Surprise, skepticism, or disbelief would capture the learners’ attention in the event of perceptual arousal. For inquiry arousal, learners’ curiosity would be piqued by difficult challenges that had to be solved. A multitude of strategies could be used to capture and hold learners’ attention, including:

  1. Active involvement.

Learners are encouraged to be active participants in the learning process by using games, role plays, or other types of hands-on practice. As individuals get more involved in the learning process, they are more likely to be interested in the eLearning content and are more likely to complete the eLearning course.

  1. Make use of humor.

Although comedy should be utilized with caution, instructional designers can capture the interest of the audience by inserting brief, hilarious stories or mild humor in the eLearning course.

  1. Conflict.

Another method for capturing the learner’s attention is to give assertions or facts that contradict what the learner knows or believes to be true. This will pique their interest since they will want to learn more about the subject under debate.

  1. Variety.

Instructional designers can also pique learners’ interests by using a variety of media. It is tedious to provide all of the facts in the same manner. Providing different presentation formats is a great way to make the eLearning course more interesting. Nowadays, the extensive use of multimedia in eLearning design provides numerous opportunities in this direction.

  1. Examples from the real world

It is well known that learners become more motivated when they perceive that what they are learning has a practical application in real life. Informing learners about the practical application of eLearning material in their daily lives, whether personal or professional, by using real-life tales or examples, will pique their interest and make them want to learn more.

The ARCS Model: Relevance

To encourage learners, a great eLearning course design must build relevance. To do so, eLearning experts are advised to use terminology, analogies, or experiences that the learner can relate to. Keller proposed the following relevant techniques in the ARCS model of motivation:

  1. Refer to prior experience.

Allowing learners to make connections between the new information presented and what they already know from prior experience is a very effective motivational strategy because it provides learners with a sense of “continuity” that keeps them motivated by making them realize that they are truly going to expand their knowledge base. The fact that people believe learning is beneficial and not a waste of time keeps them interested in the eLearning course and is regarded as one of the most important motivators.

  1. Future utility perception.

The degree to which learners believe that the eLearning course will benefit them later in life is a significant factor in how motivated they will be to attend the eLearning course. As a result, instructional designers must convey this idea from the start.

  1. Modeling.

Set a good example and offer presentations from those who can provide them with a successful model. Knowing that others have successfully implemented the specific piece of knowledge or skill offered drives learners to view the eLearning course as beneficial and as the first step toward their personal success story.

  1. Present worth as perceived.

Adult learners often take an eLearning course when they need it; that is when new knowledge and abilities are required to deal with a specific circumstance or problem they confront in real life. They will be more motivated if they can see how the eLearning course they take will provide them with new abilities that will assist them in resolving their current challenges.

  1. Choice.

Giving learners the option of choosing their teaching strategy is another factor that boosts motivation. This is because adult learners know exactly what they want to learn and how they want to study it. They have preferences for particular learning methods or media that they believe are more effective for them than others.

The ARCS Model: Confidence

Instructional designers should inspire confidence in learners by encouraging them to believe in their abilities. If students believe they will be unable to complete their assignments, their motivation will suffer. Here are some ideas on how instructional designers might plan eLearning activities that boost learners’ confidence:

  1. Promote personal development.

Encourage learners to take tiny steps and show them their progress in the eLearning course right away. This will motivate them by assisting them in believing in themselves, which will result in self-growth.

  1. Communicate goals and requirements.

Students must understand their objectives in advance. Realizing that they can attain the eLearning course’s aims and objectives is another motivator for them. It is also critical that students understand what is expected of them throughout the eLearning course and how they will be evaluated at the conclusion.

  1. Give feedback.

Another major predictor of learner motivation is feedback. Knowing where they stand is critical for learners to go through the eLearning course. When no feedback is offered, learners become confused since they are unsure of their progress in the eLearning course. Feedback, particularly constructive feedback, is critical in encouraging learners to go confidently to the next eLearning activity or to review a previous one, so making the eLearning experience even more effective. Positive habits and talents may be reinforced by constructive comments.

  1. Give students control.

Giving learners some control over the learning process offers them a sense of freedom and puts them in charge of their achievements. In other words, it helps students assume that they are in charge of their education. Allowing learners to select the most appropriate learning technique inspires them to commit to the eLearning course because it is a tactic that actively involves them in the learning process.

The ARCS Model: Satisfaction

Satisfaction is the final component of Keller’s ARCS Model of motivation. The ARCS model establishes a clear relationship between satisfaction and intrinsic or extrinsic drive. Learners should be gratified and satisfied with their accomplishments during the eLearning course. Here are some ideas for adapting instructional design in this direction:

  1. Praise Or Rewards

The learning process must reward learners in some way, whether it be a sense of accomplishment or praise from the instructor or online facilitator. They can both boost learners’ satisfaction with the eLearning course by providing them with a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for their efforts during the learning process.

  1. Immediate implementation.

Learners should have the impression that the skills or materials they are studying will be valuable in the future. This can be accomplished by encouraging students to use their newly gained information and skills in real-world contexts or by involving them in real-world problem-solving activities. This will provide learners intrinsic satisfaction since they will find the time, money, and effort they put into the eLearning course valuable.

Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivation has been applied to various types of learning environments, both academic and corporate, as well as to learners of all ages.

Last but not least, Dr. John Keller, professor emeritus at Florida State University and creator of the ARCS model for engaging learners, interviewed Dr. Bernie Dodge, professor in the Department of Educational Technology at San Diego State University.

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Pedagogy Vs. Andragogy In eLearning Thu, 05 Oct 2023 04:01:36 +0000 Should you use the same Instructional Design techniques and learning strategies for all of your eLearning courses, regardless of audience age? Do children and adults learn in the same way? Not. In this post, I’ll go into the issue of Pedagogy vs. Andragogy in eLearning, elucidating the distinctions between the two ideas so that you can understand the challenges of each and design highly inspiring eLearning projects for both your young and adult learners. In eLearning, There Are 5 Differences Between Pedagogy and Andragogy The titles “andragogy” and “pedagogy” are Greek in origin, and both include the Greek verb “ago,” […]

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Should you use the same Instructional Design techniques and learning strategies for all of your eLearning courses, regardless of audience age? Do children and adults learn in the same way? Not. In this post, I’ll go into the issue of Pedagogy vs. Andragogy in eLearning, elucidating the distinctions between the two ideas so that you can understand the challenges of each and design highly inspiring eLearning projects for both your young and adult learners.

In eLearning, There Are 5 Differences Between Pedagogy and Andragogy

The titles “andragogy” and “pedagogy” are Greek in origin, and both include the Greek verb “ago,” which means “guide,” as well as the Greek words “Andras” (man) and “paidi” (child). 

As a result, pedagogy = paidi (child) + ago (guide)

Andragogy is made out of the words Andras (man) and ago (guide)

From the foregoing, you can conclude that pedagogy is a child-focused teaching strategy, whereas andragogy is an adult-focused teaching approach; or, more officially, pedagogy is the art and science of helping kids learn, and andragogy is the science of helping adults gain knowledge. 

Before 1950, all study was centered on children, and there was no information on how adults learn. Although the term “andragogy” has been in use since 1833, when the German Alexander Kapp used it to refer to a Plato theory, it was not used in the education system until the early 1960s to convey the distinct characteristics of adult learners that affect not only their learning motivation but also their memory skills, when compared to those of children. Knowing these distinctions is crucial for Instructional Designers, as engaging and inspiring adult learners is a difficult art. In this article, I’ll explain the distinctions between andragogy and pedagogy so that you have all you need to produce inspiring content and structure, whether you’re creating eLearning courses for adults or children.

5 Key Differences Between Pedagogy and Andragogy

  1. Learning strategies.

Adult learners are self-directed; they have control over their learning e and are fully accountable for their learning. They are also involved in not only planning but also analyzing their learning because they know what knowledge they want to obtain. Young learners are not self-directed; they continue to rely on their teachers throughout the learning experience. As a result, their teachers should be accountable not only for what is taught but also for how it is instructed and reviewed.

  1. The importance of learner experience.

Adult learners certainly have more expertise than younger students. Their perspective becomes the primary source of both their learning and their own identity, as the richer and more varied their experience, the more diversity they may bring to their learning. Young learners, on the other hand, have a minimal personal experience by default; therefore, this experience cannot serve as a learning material; it can only be utilized to build upon.

  1. Willingness to learn.

A sudden shift in their lives, the need to deal with life duties and difficulties, the desire for self-development and self-improvement, and so on can all spark adult learners’ eagerness to study. Adults must understand why they want to learn something; once this question is answered, they are ready to begin. Children, on the other hand, are frequently told what to learn; the purpose of their learning is to strengthen their skills to advance to the next level of mastery.

  1. Learning orientation

What types of knowledge are adult learners most interested in? Adult learners, understandably, want material that will help them in their personal lives and at work. This audience expects that their education is relevant to their real-world difficulties, problems and tasks and that their education will improve their performance and enable them to live a better, more meaningful life. Young audience learning, on the other hand, is subject-oriented, which means that the subject defines which learning content units are delivered and taught.

  1. Learning motivation.

What encourages adults to make time for learning in their hectic schedules? Adult learners are motivated to learn by intrinsic motivators such as self-esteem, self-confidence, a desire for a higher quality of life, curiosity, self-development, and acknowledgment. Needless to say, intrinsic motivations are far more strong than extrinsic ones, and as a result, adult learners are more likely than younger learners to be satisfied with the learning process, more focused, more persistent, and ready to apply their information more frequently and successfully. Children, on the other hand, are largely driven by extrinsic reasons such as receiving good grades or other advantages or avoiding the repercussions of failure.

Adult learners are more goal-oriented than younger learners, which is why providing them with meaningful learning experiences can make a significant difference in achieving learning outcomes.

You may be interested in understanding how to apply adult learning principles to your eLearning deliverable now that you’ve become acquainted with the pedagogy vs. andragogy debate. Read the entire article 9 Tips for Applying Adult Learning Theory to eLearning to learn how to incorporate four andragogical principles into your eLearning course for optimum motivation and involvement of your adult audience.

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10 Questions To Get Acquainted With Your Online Students Tue, 03 Oct 2023 04:01:45 +0000 The first step in producing an eLearning course is determining who you are creating it for. In this piece, I’ll highlight 10 questions to assist you to get to know your online learners so you can create eLearning courses that stand out. 10 Questions for eLearning Professionals to Ask Their Online Learners You simply cannot develop a tailored eLearning experience until you know what your online learners require, what they expect from the eLearning class, and, most importantly, who they are as individuals. To make the eLearning course engaging and truly effective, you must gather as much as possible about […]

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The first step in producing an eLearning course is determining who you are creating it for. In this piece, I’ll highlight 10 questions to assist you to get to know your online learners so you can create eLearning courses that stand out.

10 Questions for eLearning Professionals to Ask Their Online Learners

You simply cannot develop a tailored eLearning experience until you know what your online learners require, what they expect from the eLearning class, and, most importantly, who they are as individuals. To make the eLearning course engaging and truly effective, you must gather as much as possible about their background, goals, and preferences. But, without face-to-face interaction, how do you come to know your eLearning audience? The solution is to ask specific questions that allow you to explore their needs, wants, and expectations.

  1. What is their ideal setting for learning?

One advantage of virtual training is that your online learners can access it at any time and from any location. This, however, implies that eLearning experts must consider the learning environment when building eLearning courses. For example, if your learners are accessing the online course in a crowded workplace or on the train, they will undoubtedly need to be able to control the volume and pause the interactive tasks and videos. This question allows you to discover more about where and when your online learners will be taking the online course, allowing you to tailor your eLearning content properly.

  1. What abilities do they now have?

To provide your online learners with the skills they need to properly execute their professional obligations or better their personal life, you must first assess their current skill level. This is the void that you must fill by developing targeted eLearning content for your audience. For example, if they are lacking in technological skills, you should focus on eLearning activities and exercises that enhance that specific skill set, such as interactive situations and tutorials.

  1. Do they have had any unfavorable eLearning encounters in the past?

The truth is that not all eLearning experiences are enjoyable. If your learners have had a bad experience with eLearning in the past, this could prevent them from actively participating. The same rule holds for the subject matter. If they have struggled to master a certain ability or expand their topical knowledge base, this could be an obstacle today. Learn as much as you can about the less-than-satisfactory eLearning experiences that are still vivid in their thoughts to custom design the eLearning experience to match their needs and solve their complaints.

  1. Do they really have the time to participate actively?

This question allows you to determine how much time your learners have set aside for eLearning, allowing you to design an eLearning experience that fits their schedules. If you build half-hour online sessions and they only have ten minutes to participate every day, they are unlikely to join the eLearning platform frequently. When building your eLearning content, please remember that most adult learners have busy lives to make it flexible and easily accessible.

  1. What do they want to gain from the eLearning course?

Every member of your audience is taking the eLearning course for one reason: they want to acquire something. By bringing this up, you can learn exactly what they want to receive out of the eLearning experience, what online activities and exercises they anticipate, and what knowledge they need to know after completing the eLearning course to improve their personal or professional lives.

  1. Are they familiar with eLearning?

Yes, we live in a technologically advanced society, yet some students are still uncomfortable with technology. This is why it’s critical to figure out how tech-savvy your audience is, so you can incorporate interactive online courses that don’t push them too far out of their comfort zone. That being stated, you can also provide them with online lessons and walkthroughs to help them enhance their technological skills.

  1. Do they make use of social media?

Some online learners live on social media sites, but others may be unfamiliar with social networking. If you intend to incorporate social learning into your eLearning strategies, such as Twitter, blogs, or forums, you must first determine which technologies your online learners like and use daily. Then you may tailor their eLearning experience by reaching out to them on digital sites they are already familiar with.

  1. Do people see the eLearning course as an opportunity to learn?

This may appear to be a broad question, but it has the potential to reveal whether your online learners recognize the genuine value of your eLearning course. Have you emphasized the real-world benefits and applications sufficiently, or do you need to convey why people should actively participate in the eLearning experience more effectively? Remember, motivation is essential, and this inquiry allows you to determine if you are interacting with unmotivated learners or those who are eager to take on the task.

  1. What personal barriers might eLearning encounter?

Every learner who logs into your eLearning platform is dealing with real-world concerns or challenges that may prevent them from finishing the eLearning course. They may be under a lot of stress at work or have problems at home. The idea is to assist students overcome these challenges without being too intrusive by providing a flexible timetable and several alternative ways to learn, such as eLearning situations and text-based storytelling. Make it simple for people to incorporate eLearning into their lives without adding additional stress.

  1. What are their objectives and goals?

When conducting audience research, this is without a doubt one of the most critical questions to ask. You must understand their personal and professional objectives to produce eLearning content that will help them succeed. Every eLearning activity and interactive exercise should provide a skill or piece of knowledge that moves them closer to the end line.

To build effective and inspiring eLearning experiences, ask these ten critical questions before developing any eLearning course. Also, keep in mind that the responses are only valuable if they are considered at every stage of the development process.

Looking for new ways to reach out to a larger eLearning audience? Learn about 6 top tips for designing eLearning courses that appeal to a wider eLearning audience.

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A Guide to Virtual Instructor-Led Training Thu, 14 Sep 2023 04:01:57 +0000 Virtual Instructor-Led Training Training has been around for decades, but its popularity has skyrocketed this year as a result of stay-at-home mandates. Even in a post-pandemic era, virtual schooling will undoubtedly remain the preferred learning technique. Online Learning and Development Is the Way of the Future We are quick to adopt internet skills that improve our lives. Over half of all adults in the United States bank online and 56% of all bills are paid online. Over 246 million Americans used social media last year. It should come as no surprise that the majority of training and development programs are […]

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Virtual Instructor-Led Training Training has been around for decades, but its popularity has skyrocketed this year as a result of stay-at-home mandates. Even in a post-pandemic era, virtual schooling will undoubtedly remain the preferred learning technique.

Online Learning and Development Is the Way of the Future

We are quick to adopt internet skills that improve our lives. Over half of all adults in the United States bank online and 56% of all bills are paid online. Over 246 million Americans used social media last year. It should come as no surprise that the majority of training and development programs are now available online. Virtual Instructor-Led Training online learning has been present since the 1990s, but it has taken years for it to become widely recognized. Virtual training was described as “an overnight triumph, 20 years in the making” by Training Industry.

Because of stay-at-home orders issued during the coronavirus epidemic, virtual training peaked in 2020. Even in a post-pandemic era, virtual schooling will undoubtedly remain the preferred learning technique.

What Exactly Is Online Instructor-Led Training?

VILT, or Virtual Instructor-Led Training, is training that is delivered via a virtual environment while the instructor and learner are in different locations. A virtual learning environment attempts to mimic a traditional classroom to make online training more successful and adaptive to learners.

VILT is one of the most rapidly expanding ways of online learning. VILT is frequently used as part of a larger, integrated company-wide training strategy for professional development, skills training, and employee onboarding.

Because of the internet’s limitless capabilities, virtual instructor-led training thrives in today’s environment. Although VILT typically mirrors the style of a traditional classroom, students frequently praise its adaptability. Any type of learner can benefit from this type of digital learning experience.

5 Advantages of VILT

The capacity to study digitally has transformed both how people are given new information and how they seek new knowledge. VILT can connect learners from many cities, states, and nations with different social backgrounds and customs.

Implementing Virtual Instructor-Led Training in a business offers numerous advantages:

  1. Economical Effectiveness

Many organizations pay for staff training, which is a typical practice in today’s business environment. Employees typically attend seminars or training programs and then submit a form to the firm for reimbursement.

This technique of funding training costs can be expensive. Paying for individual training for each employee is a hidden cost that many businesses fail to identify. Investing in company-wide learning initiatives, such as high-quality Virtual Instructor-Led Training courses, guarantees that every worker has access to training for required CE credits and professional growth while also keeping overall company costs low.

  1. Individuality

Diversity in the workplace has a positive impact on how individuals learn and behave. However, diversity can only be successful if it is applied correctly. Because Virtual Instructor-Led Training is not based on physical proximity, people can learn new topics from educators who are not the same as those they contact daily. VILT allows professionals to interact with industry specialists of all ethnic origins, each with their own set of experiences and knowledge.

  1. Professional Development

Employee turnover is difficult for businesses. It can harm productivity and morale and cost a lot of money. Companies typically spend over $4,000 to find a new hire, and it takes an average of 42 days to fill a vacant position.

A strong VILT program can assist a company in filling knowledge gaps and keeping employees motivated in their work. Employees are more motivated on the job when a corporation invests in its growth. As a result, the organization can reap the benefits of their employees’ newly acquired abilities.

  1. Flexibility

There are numerous advantages to online Instructor-Led Training. Because these courses are delivered virtually, students can pause or re-watch class segments that they may not have fully comprehended. Adaptability is a valuable asset of VILT since it is useful to learners of various ages and abilities.

  1. Ease of use

People are unlikely to participate in training that is both necessary and inconvenient to their schedules. It is not possible to expect employees to carve out time to commute and engage in a physical classroom setting. Working people benefit from VILT’s flexibility. Learners can participate anywhere and whenever they wish, whether at work, at home, or on a mobile device. Employees will feel more inclined to take part in training if flexible and easy options are given.

Best Practices for Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Company-wide training programs are effective in environments that promote workplace learning and development. Companies who implement successful VILT initiatives will:

  1. Integrate training into a bigger company initiative.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training is an excellent way to learn. VILT, on the other hand, can only be effective as part of a wider company-wide training program. Organizations must invest in a high-quality training program that includes virtual instructor-led courses that target the needs of each employee.

  1. Monitor and assess the effectiveness of your training.

It is one thing to put a training program in place. It is quite another to ensure that it works. After implementing a strategy, organizations must continue to champion learning and track individual success. A good virtual training platform lets you track employee development and offer courses as needed.

  1. Select courses taught by subject domain experts.

Subject Matter Experts (SME) that are highly experienced in their industry provide the best training. Ensure that training courses are delivered by an SME; for example, every course in Lorman’s Learning Library has been reviewed and taught by industry professionals.

VILT Implementation in Organizations

Companies who are ready to take the next steps toward developing a Virtual Instructor-Led Training program should take three fundamental steps:

  • Invest in a high-quality training platform with a diverse material library that meets the needs of your employees’ personal development as well as the overall corporate goals.
  • Pay attention to employee input and alter corporate training initiatives as needed to ensure that your organization’s training is beneficial to everyone.
  • Change the culture of the firm and promote Learning and Development from the top down.

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Free Online Cooking Classes to Make Delicious and Healthy Meals Fri, 08 Sep 2023 12:41:23 +0000 As the world becomes more reliant on technology, people are finding ways to incorporate it into their daily lives, including cooking. With the abundance of cooking shows, online recipes, and virtual food bloggers, it’s no surprise that online cooking classes have become increasingly popular. And the best part? Many of these classes are free. With online cooking classes, you can learn to create delicious and healthy meals at the convenience of your home. These classes offer a wide variety of cuisines to choose from, and you can choose the difficulty level that suits your cooking skills. One popular site for […]

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As the world becomes more reliant on technology, people are finding ways to incorporate it into their daily lives, including cooking. With the abundance of cooking shows, online recipes, and virtual food bloggers, it’s no surprise that online cooking classes have become increasingly popular. And the best part? Many of these classes are free.

With online cooking classes, you can learn to create delicious and healthy meals at the convenience of your home. These classes offer a wide variety of cuisines to choose from, and you can choose the difficulty level that suits your cooking skills.

One popular site for free online cooking classes is YouTube. There are many cooking channels on this platform, each offering their unique style and techniques. From beginner-friendly classes to advanced techniques, YouTube cooking channels cater to everyone. You can learn how to make various meals, including appetizers, main courses, and desserts.

Another platform that offers free online cooking classes is Facebook. Many cooking bloggers and chefs use Facebook Live to showcase their cooking skills and share their recipes. These live classes are interactive, and viewers can participate by asking questions and giving feedback.

If you’re looking for a more structured approach to online cooking classes, there are also websites that offer free courses. One such site is Coursera. They offer a range of cooking courses from renowned chefs and institutions worldwide. These courses are complete with assignments, quizzes, and certifications, providing you with a comprehensive learning experience.

Aside from the convenience and flexibility that online cooking classes offer, they also promote a healthier lifestyle. By cooking at home, you can control the ingredients used in your meals, ensuring that you’re eating healthy and nutritious food. You can also experiment with different cuisines and flavors, which helps expand your palate and creates a more exciting eating experience.

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What Is Creative Commons and Non-Commercial Use? Thu, 07 Sep 2023 14:57:23 +0000 As the world becomes more digital, it is important to understand how to use and share content in legal and ethical ways. One way to do this is through Creative Commons (CC) licensing, which allows creators to retain their copyright while also allowing others to use, share, and build upon their work. CC is a nonprofit organization that provides copyright licenses and tools to make content more accessible and useful. The CC licenses provide a standardized way for creators to grant permission for their work to be used and shared, while giving them the ability to retain control over how […]

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As the world becomes more digital, it is important to understand how to use and share content in legal and ethical ways. One way to do this is through Creative Commons (CC) licensing, which allows creators to retain their copyright while also allowing others to use, share, and build upon their work.

CC is a nonprofit organization that provides copyright licenses and tools to make content more accessible and useful. The CC licenses provide a standardized way for creators to grant permission for their work to be used and shared, while giving them the ability to retain control over how it is used.

When a work is labeled as CC-licensed, it means that the creator has chosen to make it available for others to use with certain conditions. These conditions may include giving credit to the original author, allowing only non-commercial use, or requiring any modifications to the original work be shared under the same CC license. There are six main types of CC licenses:

– Attribution (CC BY): allows others to use, copy, distribute, edit, and build upon the work for any purpose, as long as credit is given to the original creator.

– Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA): allows others to use, copy, distribute, edit, and build upon the work for any purpose, as long as credit is given to the original creator and any modifications are shared under the same CC license.

– Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND): allows others to use, copy, and distribute the work for any purpose, as long as credit is given to the original creator and no modifications are made.

– Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC): allows others to use, copy, distribute, edit, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as credit is given to the original creator.

– Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA): allows others to use, copy, distribute, edit, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as credit is given to the original creator and any modifications are shared under the same CC license.

– Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND): allows others to use, copy, and distribute the work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as credit is given to the original creator and no modifications are made.

Non-commercial use means that the work cannot be used for commercial purposes, such as selling or promoting a product or service. This can be especially important for creators who want to maintain control over how their work is used and do not want it to be used for profit. However, it can also limit the potential uses of the work, as it cannot be used for commercial projects or for-profit ventures.

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Fun and Easy DIY TV Stands to Build This Spring Thu, 07 Sep 2023 14:55:33 +0000 Spring is here, and it’s time to spruce up your living room with a new TV stand. But why buy when you can DIY! It’s an easy and fun way to save money and make something that is more personalized to your taste. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to create a fun and easy DIY TV stand that you’ll love. Wooden Crate TV Stand The wooden crate TV stand is a fun and easy option that doesn’t require a lot of tools or expertise. All you need are wooden crates, some screws, and a bit of creativity. […]

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Spring is here, and it’s time to spruce up your living room with a new TV stand. But why buy when you can DIY! It’s an easy and fun way to save money and make something that is more personalized to your taste. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to create a fun and easy DIY TV stand that you’ll love.

  1. Wooden Crate TV Stand

The wooden crate TV stand is a fun and easy option that doesn’t require a lot of tools or expertise. All you need are wooden crates, some screws, and a bit of creativity. Stack two or three crates on top of each other, screw them together, and you have a sturdy base. Paint or stain the crates to match your decor and add wheels to make it mobile.

  1. Pallet TV Stand

If you’re looking for a rustic vibe, a pallet TV stand may be the way to go. Pallets are easy to find, and with a bit of sanding, staining, or painting, you can make them look brand new. Stack two pallets on top of each other and add some legs or casters to make a lovely, rustic TV stand. You can also add some hooks or shelves to store your other entertainment devices.

  1. Hairpin Leg TV Stand

If you want a simple and modern look, a hairpin leg TV stand may be the way to go. You can purchase hairpin legs online, and they’re easy to attach to a piece of wood or MDF. You can stain or paint the wood to match your home decor. You can also add shelves or cabinets to give it some extra storage space.

  1. Floating TV Stand

A floating TV stand is a unique option that gives your living room a sleek and modern look. You’ll need to purchase a floating shelf bracket system and a piece of wood or MDF that is cut to the dimensions you need. You can cover it in a black or white laminate to give it a modern vibe. This option is excellent for those who have smaller living rooms since it frees up floor space.

  1. Industrial Pipe TV Stand

An industrial pipe TV stand is an option for those who want a more rugged and masculine look. You can purchase black iron pipes and fittings from any hardware store. Combine the pipes and fittings to form the shape of a TV stand. Then, stain or paint a piece of wood or MDF to match the industrial vibes. It gives you the perfect balance of a rustic and modern look.

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Best Christmas Projector Lights Thu, 07 Sep 2023 14:48:35 +0000 The holiday season is upon us, and there’s no better way to spread the Christmas spirit than with a beautiful display of lights. Christmas projector lights have become increasingly popular over the years, thanks to their ease of use and stunning visual effects. If you’re looking to elevate your outdoor decor this year, we’ve rounded up the best Christmas projector lights to help you out: BlissLights Laser Projector The BlissLights Laser Projector is the epitome of grandeur for Christmas decorations. It produces a stunning 30ft by 30ft area of green glittering lights, which puts up a beautiful atmosphere. It’s perfect […]

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The holiday season is upon us, and there’s no better way to spread the Christmas spirit than with a beautiful display of lights. Christmas projector lights have become increasingly popular over the years, thanks to their ease of use and stunning visual effects. If you’re looking to elevate your outdoor decor this year, we’ve rounded up the best Christmas projector lights to help you out:

  1. BlissLights Laser Projector

The BlissLights Laser Projector is the epitome of grandeur for Christmas decorations. It produces a stunning 30ft by 30ft area of green glittering lights, which puts up a beautiful atmosphere. It’s perfect for large indoor and outdoor areas. The projector is weather-resistant, and you can easily mount it to your home.

  1. Star Shower Motion Laser Light

Star Shower Motion Laser Light delivers an incredibly realistic shooting stars light effect to your home. Its dynamic pattern makes it perfect for any occasion or holiday. It covers up to 3,200 square feet of your home with a single light projection. This projector also comes with a remote control which allows you to control the light modes and set a timer.

  1. SUNY Outdoor Laser Light Projector

The SUNY Outdoor Laser Light Projector is one of the brightest projectors that exists in the market. It can cast up to 100 laser patterns, which is an excellent feature for creating a more personalized lighting show. The laser light projector is suitable for covering large areas of your home’s exterior, lawns, patios, and trees.

  1. Ocean Wave Projector Lights

Ocean Wave Projector Lights is an excellent option for a magical Christmas lighting experience. The light projector mimics the gentle waves of the ocean, creating a fantastic animated blue and green light effect that transforms your home’s exterior. It has Bluetooth compatibility and a sound-activated feature that syncs with music to create that real party atmosphere.

  1. UNIFUN Christmas Lights Projector

The UNIFUN Christmas Lights Projector features five different slide patterns, including reindeer, snowflakes, Santa Claus, and more. This Projector casts up to 40ft projections, covering your home with a stunning Christmas effect. The projector comes with a remote control to select the preferred patterns and create the desired ambiance.

The post Best Christmas Projector Lights appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.
