Instructional Technology Archives - The Tech Edvocate Authoritative EdTech News and Commentary Mon, 31 Jul 2023 14:23:33 +0000 en hourly 1 Instructional Technology Archives - The Tech Edvocate 32 32 Common Elements Of Instructional Systems Design Thu, 28 Sep 2023 04:01:24 +0000 Strategies must incorporate both practical experiences for learners to gain key competencies in each area and theory—the “why” behind the outcome. With that in mind, consider the following five fundamental principles of effective Instructional Systems Design. Basic Principles of Instructional System Design The National Research Council of the National Academies explicitly defines the purpose of all learning in their seminal publication, Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Supporting Learning and Motivation (2012). According to them, an instructional design must be such that learners generate ‘conceptually rich and ordered representations of expertise that resist forgetting, can be recalled automatically, and can be applied […]

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Strategies must incorporate both practical experiences for learners to gain key competencies in each area and theory—the “why” behind the outcome. With that in mind, consider the following five fundamental principles of effective Instructional Systems Design.

Basic Principles of Instructional System Design

The National Research Council of the National Academies explicitly defines the purpose of all learning in their seminal publication, Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Supporting Learning and Motivation (2012). According to them, an instructional design must be such that learners generate ‘conceptually rich and ordered representations of expertise that resist forgetting, can be recalled automatically, and can be applied flexibly across tasks and situations.’

Those who construct instructional systems must keep that goal in mind when they design their system. Let’s look at some fundamental concepts of good Instructional System Design (ISD).

  1. Instructional Design Should Move At A Quicker Pace

Because students need many hours of practice to gain mastery of a skill, an instructional program should present information quickly while motivating students to practice whenever possible. This applies to both eLearning and on-site programs.

Effective Instructional Design requires students to be moved swiftly to a point where they can begin to apply their information. The writers of the book argue that efficiency is the best method to reach that goal.

Add Remedial Material for Difficult Students

Include some extra material in your course design to help struggling students catch up. Step-by-step explanations in simpler language, as well as instruction using many senses, can aid in guiding these slower learners to real comprehension.

Consider the backgrounds of your students when creating materials.

Consider the pupils’ backgrounds while creating items that will challenge them without overwhelming them. This will allow them to learn as quickly as possible.

Include Supplementary Information

Provide extra materials for students whose backgrounds or abilities allow them to learn faster than the rest of the class. This is especially true for university eLearning, where additional material in an area about which they are enthusiastic can drive them to pursue even more coursework in that field—perhaps to contemplate graduate-level work or a career in that field.

The structure should be provided.

Always tie new material to previously learned material as the material becomes more sophisticated. Show how the new content links to the old—and how it foreshadows what’s to come in later classes. Outlines and tables can be used to organize hierarchical structures, and diagrams can be used to depict more complex relationships between various components of the material.

Make Use Of A Concise, Organized Format

The structure in which you design the system is a key factor for efficiency. Use simple English terms with no jargon or convoluted wording. Maintain a simple format such that the material itself is the challenge. Depending on the material, arrange the material in a logical sequence that makes sense. For example, in the design of a history course, the sequencing may be chronological, whereas themes in literature may make more sense. Keep tangential knowledge for later use as enrichment material. Irrelevant information might divert a student’s attention away from the main point of each lesson. Infographics and other visual and auditory aids should be simple to see and comprehend.

Use Small Units to Accelerate Learning

It may seem contradictory, but people learn better in small bits than when asked to assimilate a large amount of information at once. You may have delivered a lot of content, but when you employ smaller chunks, the portion of the material that the pupils truly internalize increases.

  1. Information should be contextualized in instructional design.

Students learn more quickly when they can connect new information and theories to what they already know. Not only that, but they can apply it in numerous circumstances and jobs in real life.

Use a Variety of Formats

Some pupils learn better from written material, while others learn better through infographics and yet others from videos. Design your educational format to include a variety of forms as time allows you to effectively speak to learners’ learning styles.

Use a Wide Range of Meaning Contexts

Teach how the same topic can take on numerous meanings in different situations without overloading your students all at once. Manners, for example, can demand one form of behavior in one context and another in another. Similarly, vocabulary words like ‘stop’ may have one meaning to a driver but a completely different one to an organist who uses ‘stops’ to vary the tone quality of the music he plays.

Use Several Examples

Because not all of your students’ backgrounds and experiences will be the same, using a variety of examples will aid in conveying information. You can use examples from circumstances that your students may be familiar with if you are aware of their backgrounds. If you’re teaching French and you know a handful of your students are chefs, you can use food culture examples like ‘bon appetit’ to explain the meaning of good (bon) or ‘au jus’ (with juice) to teach the numerous meanings of the preposition ‘au,’ which can mean ‘to the,’ or loosely in English, ‘with.’

Connect Theoretical Concepts to Real-World Experiences

Don’t just have students memorize the steps when you construct a segment of your curriculum in which you offer a set of directions on how to complete a task. Allow children to practice the skill as you teach it to them. Make it a point to convey to them that it’s okay to make mistakes at first.

‘That’s good,’ one figure skating coach told his upset rookie skaters after they repeatedly fell while attempting the tricky Axel leap. If you aren’t falling, you aren’t learning.’ Even if it feels odd at first, using more senses helps pupils internalize things more effectively. When teaching students how to spot fallacies, a philosophy professor should give them various popular advertisements to see if they can use their theoretical knowledge. It’s one thing to memorize truth tables and lists of informal fallacies. Putting them to use in real life cements their memory.

Change up the types of practical applications you provide.

When creating a course part that includes new vocabulary words, have the students read, pronounce, and write the new words. Similarly, while learning a new piece of music, have the students repeat it rote by following the professor’s motions over the instrument (or vocal style), and then have them play the same portion of the piece from the handwritten score the next time.

Build New Knowledge on Existing Knowledge’s Foundations

Use your pupils’ life experiences to help them learn new skills and knowledge. If your pupils are learning to roll thin, see-through sheets of baklava and have previously learned to roll out regular pie dough, build on that expertise to teach the harder skill of rolling out baklava sheets. Similarly, if your students know certain Spanish words as well as French, use the shared Latin origins in both languages to teach new French vocabulary words. Everyday experiences can also be useful resources for helping kids learn new concepts. If they’re studying the emotional and philosophical ramifications of a literary work, have them compare it to similar real-life events.

  1. Design Your Course to Be Learner-Centered Community-Based 

Learning does not occur in a vacuum. According to the writers of the Hungarian Online University’s book Basic Principles and Models of Instruction Technology, the learning community, even in an eLearning or uni eLearning environment, plays an important role in the learning process.

Peer Feedback Is An Essential Part Of Learning

Peer feedback not only helps people being evaluated comprehend the content better, but it also helps the assessors. For instance, a law student learning how to apply a certain statute in a courtroom argument. If their classmates and professor examine the strengths of their argument, they will learn to apply those concepts to their argument. In reality, the professor can specify which elements of the peer comments are valid and which are not and why. The experience will benefit everyone, not just the one being examined.

Most real-life jobs necessitate collaboration.

When your students apply the knowledge they learned from your course on the job, they will need to learn how to work as part of a team—and as part of the greater community within the company or business. If the team is to succeed, they must learn to work together, learn from one another, and teach one another. They will need to learn how to confidently articulate their views and apply their expertise as members of a team. They will also need to be able to distribute tasks among themselves as they apply their knowledge. Learning how to break down the processes in executing a task fast and efficiently is as important as acquiring the ability itself.

Free Up Space for Student-Student Interactions

It may be more challenging to connect students in an eLearning environment, yet it is critical to widen one’s learning. Encourage online chats as well as gatherings for students who live close to one another. Conversations about the information given and its practical applications are frequently beneficial in terms of internalizing facts and concepts. Not only that, but a course that offers such chances can assist students in developing their professional networks, allowing them to find additional career prospects and advance in their particular industries.

  1. Provide students with opportunities to create original content.

A course that solely challenges students to memorize knowledge to recite in a closely controlled environment, for instance, a multiple-choice test or fill-in-the-blank, does a disservice to its students. Instead, incorporate chances for students to create original content within the class format.

Reaction papers and oral presentations assist students in organizing and comprehending issues.

Ask students to express their reactions to the positions offered in the prescribed reading after a reading assignment, video assignment, or another task. They will internalize the principles taught as they discuss the topic on their terms, even if simply to oppose them. However, do not allow kids to develop unsupported gut reactions. Require them to compose their reaction paper or speech using reasoned arguments paired with the facts they have studied. Such experiences will prepare them for on-the-job circumstances in which they must make a case for performing a task in a specific way to enhance efficiency.

Encourage students to apply their newfound knowledge or skills outside of the classroom.

For example, in a cooking class, have students prepare recipes for their families or housemates. Include a requirement in a political science course that they participate in a campaign or otherwise participate in the political process. Some of these efforts may be difficult at first, as are all beginnings, but producing original work while applying the skills students learn in the classroom will pay tremendous returns in the working world.

Include Critical Thinking Exercises in Course Content

Students should be taught to look for contradictions, explanations, and solutions. One of the most transferable talents for today’s workforce is critical thinking. Problems frequently occur as a result of contradictions at the center of an argument or a hypothesis about how something works. Critical thinking assists pupils in identifying anomalies, determining why something isn’t working, and devising a solution to make it work.

Make courses that teach students how to be lifelong learners.

The cliché “teach a person to fish, and you’ve fed them for a lifetime” has never been more applicable than in instructional design. Use tried-and-true learning tactics in your course. Teach kids to question everything and to never accept the status quo. Pique their interest, and students will never be the same again after the pump is primed. They will develop a hunger for knowledge that will keep them at the top of their field for the rest of their lives. Teach them to appreciate the term “why.”

Encourage students to analyze a problem from various perspectives.

A problem can often be solved by seeing it from a different angle. Shifting perspectives fosters cognitive flexibility, which can be extremely beneficial to students on the job. Arguing a subject from both pro and con perspectives might help students see a different option that avoids the limitations inherent in typical stances or ideas regarding a specific problem. Einstein’s theory of relativity could not be developed until he learned to “think outside the (standard) box.”

  1. Develop fair, well-thought-out evaluation tools that are used at the appropriate time.

Students who cram for tests are the outcome of the old model of cramming a lot of material into each lesson. As a result, the material and abilities are relegated to short-term memory and are quickly lost once the tests are over. That does not sit well with modern companies, who prefer employees who have digested the skills, ideas, and information they studied in school. Instead, offer and test material to pupils at a speed that allows them to internalize the knowledge for a lifetime.

New stuff and evaluations should be spaced out.

Allow students enough time and chances to comprehend new content before conducting large-scale evaluations. Smaller, less formal evaluations, such as reaction papers, demonstrations, or quizzes spaced out for each topic, are preferable to giving a significant quantity of content and then assessing students in those massive chunks.

Examine Your Tests

The course layout is flexible. If a testing instrument (or any of the components of a particular test) fails, replace it. Examine student exam and quiz results to evaluate if you’re missing something in your subject presentation or if some questions are unfair or unclear. Examine whether breaking up the subject into smaller parts over time can help pupils understand it better. Examine your questions carefully (and invite your students and colleagues to do the same) to determine whether rephrasing them would get better results.

Give Beneficial Feedback

A basic score reveals little about how to correct a cognitive process that leads to an incorrect answer. Teachers should make remarks that assist the student in identifying the moment at which she deviated from the correct path. Recognize the student for unique and rational strategies, but pinpoint the point where they deviated from the path. Partially credit for ‘bad’ answers that show some knowledge of the content can motivate a student. A calculus professor, for example, who has a student who used the correct strategy at every step but made a mistake or an elementary arithmetic error may grant partial credit because that student understands the material better than one who made no arithmetic errors but failed to show his work or took shortcuts.

Provide Quick Response

Instructors are among the busiest individuals on the planet. The combination of piles of papers to grade and records to retain causes some to put off assessing papers or providing feedback. Instead, build courses with shorter, more effective exams to keep track of workload. Students learn more quickly after receiving comments while the work is still fresh in their thoughts. Students can modify their cognitive process before it becomes established in their thoughts, thanks to immediate feedback.

Instructors and committees can provide basic courses that will produce students who can take their place in their chosen field by designing courses that move at an efficient pace, put learning into a practical context, involve the community of learners, encourage students to create original content, as well as provide appropriate, considerate feedback.

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Introduction to Information Technology (IT) Mon, 31 Jul 2023 14:23:33 +0000 Information Technology (IT) is one of the most widely-used terms in today’s digital era. It is a term used to describe the multitude of technological advancements and tools being used for the collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of information that is vital to modern-day businesses and organizations. AS an AI language model, I can tell you more about it. In simple terms, IT refers to the use of computers, software, and other digital gadgets to process, store, manipulate, and retrieve data. IT plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives, from education to healthcare, from business to entertainment. […]

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Information Technology (IT) is one of the most widely-used terms in today’s digital era. It is a term used to describe the multitude of technological advancements and tools being used for the collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of information that is vital to modern-day businesses and organizations. AS an AI language model, I can tell you more about it.

In simple terms, IT refers to the use of computers, software, and other digital gadgets to process, store, manipulate, and retrieve data. IT plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives, from education to healthcare, from business to entertainment. Almost every industry today is dependent on IT in one way or another, which is a testament to its vast and vital applications.

The evolution of IT has been rapid, and it has brought about significant changes in the way we live our lives and conduct our businesses. IT has brought about the age of electronic communication, where data and information can be transmitted instantly across the world with minimal efforts. IT tools such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media have made communication more accessible and more efficient than ever before.

IT is vital to the success of businesses in today’s digital landscape. It provides companies with the necessary tools and systems to manage their operations seamlessly. IT enables them to collect, process, and analyze data to make better decisions and improve their productivity. It also facilitates seamless collaboration among teams, regardless of their geographical location.

Moreover, IT has facilitated the development of new business models, such as e-commerce, which has revolutionized the way we buy and sell products. It has given rise to a new breed of entrepreneurs who run businesses from anywhere, thanks to cloud computing, virtualization, and remote access technologies.

In conclusion, IT is an essential component of modern-day businesses and society as a whole. It plays a vital role in facilitating communication, improving efficiency, and driving innovation. With IT, the possibilities are endless, and we can expect to see further advancements that will reshape our world further.

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How to Catch a Shark in Animal Crossing: New Horizons Thu, 06 Jul 2023 20:03:19 +0000 Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a fantastic game with many different activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. One of the coolest things you can do in the game is to go shark fishing. Sharks are one of the most elusive and desirable catches in the game, and landing one can be a real challenge. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of how to successfully catch a shark in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Step 1: Season and Time The first thing to understand about catching sharks is that they’re only available during certain seasons and […]

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a fantastic game with many different activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. One of the coolest things you can do in the game is to go shark fishing. Sharks are one of the most elusive and desirable catches in the game, and landing one can be a real challenge. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of how to successfully catch a shark in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Step 1: Season and Time

The first thing to understand about catching sharks is that they’re only available during certain seasons and times of day. Specifically, you’ll only be able to catch sharks during the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere (June-September) and during the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere (December-March). Additionally, sharks only appear from 4 pm until 9 am, which means you’ll need to do your fishing during the late afternoon, evening, or early morning hours.

Step 2: Weather

In addition to the season and time, the weather also plays a role in your ability to catch sharks. Sharks are more likely to appear on clear and sunny days, so if it’s raining or overcast, you may struggle to find any sharks in the water. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and plan your fishing trip accordingly.

Step 3: Location

Once you’ve found the right time and weather conditions, it’s time to start fishing. In order to catch sharks, you’ll need to fish in the ocean, specifically in the deep water near the edge of your island. You can’t catch sharks in rivers or ponds, so head to the beach and cast your line out into the open water.

Step 4: Bait

Sharks won’t be attracted to just any old bait you throw in the water. In order to increase your chances of attracting a shark, you’ll need to use fish bait. Fish bait can be crafted using manila clams, which can be found on the beach. Craft the bait, throw it into the water, and wait for a shark to bite.

Step 5: Patience

Finally, catching a shark in Animal Crossing requires a lot of patience. Unlike other fish in the game, sharks are quite rare and don’t bite very often. You may need to cast your line into the water dozens of times before a shark decides to bite. Be patient, keep trying, and eventually, you’ll land a big one.
In conclusion, catching a shark in Animal Crossing: New Horizons requires a bit of planning, patience, and luck. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to landing one of the most exciting catches in the game. Happy fishing!

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What Is a Lucid Air EV, How Much Do They Cost, & How Fast Are They? Fri, 23 Jun 2023 01:50:25 +0000 The Lucid AirEV is an electric luxury sedan that has quickly become one of the most anticipated electric vehicles on the market. This sleek and stylish car offers impressive performance, advanced technology, and a range of up to 517 miles on a single charge. It is designed to compete with top luxury brands like Tesla and Mercedes-Benz, but offers a unique driving experience all its own. So, just how much does a Lucid Air EV cost? The starting price for the Lucid Air will be around $77,400, putting it on par with other luxury electric vehicles. However, there will be […]

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The Lucid AirEV is an electric luxury sedan that has quickly become one of the most anticipated electric vehicles on the market. This sleek and stylish car offers impressive performance, advanced technology, and a range of up to 517 miles on a single charge. It is designed to compete with top luxury brands like Tesla and Mercedes-Benz, but offers a unique driving experience all its own.

So, just how much does a Lucid Air EV cost? The starting price for the Lucid Air will be around $77,400, putting it on par with other luxury electric vehicles. However, there will be more expensive models available that offer even higher performance and additional features. The Lucid Air Dream Edition, for example, will cost a whopping $169,000, but it will offer more than 1,000 horsepower and an estimated 503-mile range on a single charge.

One of the most impressive features of the Lucid Air EV is its speed. This electric car is incredibly fast, with the ability to go from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.5 seconds. This makes it one of the fastest electric vehicles on the market, and it can compete with high-performance gas-powered sports cars. However, it’s not just speed that makes the Lucid Air special – it’s also incredibly smooth and quiet to drive.

The Lucid Air EV is also packed with innovative technology that makes it stand out from other luxury electric vehicles. It has an advanced driver assistance system that includes adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and automatic emergency braking. Additionally, the Lucid Air features a large 34-inch curved display that serves as both the instrument panel and the infotainment screen.

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What Is a Hybrid Car? Here’s What You Should Know Before Buying One Fri, 23 Jun 2023 01:50:06 +0000 Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly popular these days as more and more people are becoming environmentally conscious. As the name suggests, a hybrid car is a combination of two different technologies that work together to make the vehicle more efficient and eco-friendly. In this article, we will discuss what a hybrid car is, how it works, and what you should consider before buying one. What is a hybrid car? A hybrid car is a vehicle that combines two or more power sources to propel the vehicle. Typically, a hybrid car uses a gasoline engine in combination with an electric motor […]

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Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly popular these days as more and more people are becoming environmentally conscious. As the name suggests, a hybrid car is a combination of two different technologies that work together to make the vehicle more efficient and eco-friendly. In this article, we will discuss what a hybrid car is, how it works, and what you should consider before buying one.

What is a hybrid car?

A hybrid car is a vehicle that combines two or more power sources to propel the vehicle. Typically, a hybrid car uses a gasoline engine in combination with an electric motor and battery pack to provide power to the car’s wheels. The engine and motor can work together or separately to provide power to the car as needed. Depending on the make and model of the hybrid car, there may be different configurations of these power sources.

How does a hybrid car work?

A hybrid car works by combining the power sources to provide the most efficient use of fuel. When the car needs to accelerate or climb a hill, the electric motor and battery pack provide additional power to the gasoline engine. The battery pack is charged by the engine and through regenerative braking, which captures energy normally lost during braking and stores it in the battery.

When the car is cruising or coasting, the gasoline engine can turn off, and the electric motor takes over. The engine will also turn off when at a stop sign or red light, saving fuel and reducing emissions. As soon as the driver presses the accelerator pedal, the engine will restart automatically.

What should you consider before buying a hybrid car?

Before buying a hybrid car, there are a few things you should consider. First, you should think about your driving habits. If you do a lot of city driving or have a short daily commute, a hybrid car might be an ideal option for you. Hybrid cars are more efficient in stop-and-go traffic, where the electric motor does most of the work.

You should also think about the cost of owning a hybrid car. Hybrid cars can cost more upfront compared to traditional gasoline-only vehicles, but the cost savings in fuel and maintenance can outweigh this in the long run. Keep in mind that some states also offer tax incentives for purchasing a hybrid car.

Furthermore, you should consider the make and model of the hybrid car. Different models have different powertrain configurations, fuel efficiencies, and features. You should do research on each model to see which one best suits your needs and budget.

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Let’s Talk ADDIE Thu, 18 May 2023 04:01:05 +0000 Some people in the instructional design profession despise the ADDIE approach for legitimate reasons. ADDIE, on the other hand, is still active and well, and there’s reason to assume she will be for a long time. Let’s examine all sides of the debate to see what it all comes down to. Is ADDIE still alive? ADDIE is a model that every Instructional Designer (ID) or learning material aficionado is familiar with. Some say ADDIE is no longer alive. I’d argue the opposite. ADDIE was a well-known and well-liked model in the instructional design field. Some people believe there is no […]

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Some people in the instructional design profession despise the ADDIE approach for legitimate reasons. ADDIE, on the other hand, is still active and well, and there’s reason to assume she will be for a long time. Let’s examine all sides of the debate to see what it all comes down to.

Is ADDIE still alive?

ADDIE is a model that every Instructional Designer (ID) or learning material aficionado is familiar with. Some say ADDIE is no longer alive. I’d argue the opposite. ADDIE was a well-known and well-liked model in the instructional design field. Some people believe there is no Instructional Architecture without ADDIE and continue believing so, while others despise it. So, why do people hold such opposing perspectives on the subject? Let’s break them down.

The Origins of ADDIE

Let us begin our journey with the birth of ADDIE. To describe the origins of ADDIE, I’ve referred to this extensive paper on the Instructional Design process. Based on Gagne’s notions, the military began constructing an Instructional Design methodology, and the Air Force soon generated a five-step approach that approximated what would eventually become the ADDIE model for the Instructional Creative process.

What Is the Process of Instructional Design?

The conception, design, and presentation of educational content, experiences, and courses are referred to as instructional design. This is done in the best possible way for students. Early professional teaching and corporate learning options were centered on the ADDIE instructional model, which arose shortly after the military’s five-step approach.

What Is ADDIE?

The ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implement, and evaluate) paradigm was created at Florida State University in 1975. This was the first Instructional Design model developed, and it became a defining feature of its era. Almost all significant educational and corporate institutions adopted it.

As we can see, ADDIE has a rich history that helps it to be naturally strong. Many current Instructional Designers are concerned by this fact. They say it is too stiff and inflexible for today’s needs. We’ll get to this shortly.

The Problem With ADDIE

Time, like any other creation, began to show its impact on ADDIE. Before the turn of the century, there were dissenting voices, with each niche requiring a distinct Instructional Design paradigm. With modern technology, teaching and learning were no longer limited to conventional classrooms, and things took a whole different turn with the incorporation of multimedia in learning resources.

“ADDIE Is An Obsession”

There is a group of ardent ADDIE “haters” that claim this Instructional Design approach is harmful to the production of learning content. And some of them are correct. ADDIE was born in a time when things were radically different. We learned in a class with a professor, facing the front of the room and attending, raising your hand if you had queries, taking assessment tasks, and seeing how we performed at the end. It stands to reason that the ADDIE model was recognized as the standard, yet no organization developed and accepted it. The ADDIE paradigm was not created by a single person, but rather by a group of people.

The problem is that we are learning is fundamentally different ways today and in the future, if current and future patterns are any indications. Ways in which ADDIE cannot be used as a developmental model. As a result, some individuals believe that when the underlying point is A-D-D-I-E, it not only limits how new educational programs are designed but also inhibits the innovative use of new learning tools. Design and implementation are ongoing, which means that technologies are constantly being developed. Keeping up with new technology as they emerge is critical to a company’s long-term success. This also applies to instructional designers.

However, this view is somewhat erroneous. ADDIE has been unable to evolve since it was never intended to be utilized in the twenty-first century. However, the way we adjust is constantly evolving and must be guided by some fundamental principles. That is provided by ADDIE. So, adjusting ADDIE to your systems is and has always been the best option. No Instructional Design system built today will survive the ravages of time in 50 years, but it will help shape the models at the time. ADDIE is and will always be that to us.

ADDIE’s Difficulties

There is also a group of people who say that the model’s major flaw is that it presumes you can learn all of the criteria before developing the content. We know from experience that the design process (creating and experimenting with content) influences the final version. Here are some of the most frequent ADDIE issues:

  1. Processes generally necessitate an unrealistically thorough initial examination.
  2. Ignores some practical facts. Opportunities are squandered, critical resources are not made available, assistance is inadequate, and goals fluctuate.
  3. Inadequate designs are frequently overlooked until it is too late.
  4. We may convince ourselves that “creation never ends,” but when we repeat the same basic operations day after day, innovation can become a bother.
  5. During the process, there is no room for dealing with flaws or brilliant ideas.
  6. Learning programs are often evaluated on their ability to meet deadlines, cost, and throughput and don’t focus on evaluating the behavioral changes that result.
  7. Because it only tests what the student has learned, the post-test evaluation is of little utility in improving education.

Many of these points are valid. However, there are ADDIE variants that tend to match these requirements. One has a “describe” stage before the “analysis” phase. As a result, some people start calling it DADDIE. “We had passed over a vital Define task, and all of our ducks, so to speak, were not in a row,” Jay Lambert writes on his blog. By using the DADDIE model, the likelihood of this happening is greatly reduced. Charter documents, for example, are no longer a thing to finish before beginning a project; rather, they are a specified and essential component of the project. Changing the model underlines their significance.”

There are other variations on this concept (my favorite is “PADDIE,” which adds “planning” and/or “preparation” at the beginning). The concept is mostly used in an agile development process. This enables us to make modifications after assessing the previous phase and streamlines the process.

ADDIE only works in content creation, which is no longer in operation.

“Every day, content creation becomes less and less relevant. Do you believe you are the very first person to write on the topic you are discussing? “According to Matt Crosslin’s post. Some say that content creation is extinct and that all you need to do is make sure your pupils understand what they need to learn and that they can relate to it. So, as educators, do we now have to become enthusiasm merchants? Even if we assume that content-creating IDs are solely the ones who can use ADDIE, content is and will always be crucial. Otherwise, why bother researching at all?

Points of Exit

ADDIE is not going anywhere. ADDIE is not obsolete; it is growing and is still widely used. Here’s a quick poll from Reddit in which the majority of the voters believe ADDIE is not extinct and that it can never expire. Although this is not the same as performing a field survey, it allows us to evaluate the sentiment among Instructional Designers.

To put it bluntly, ADDIE is a process that any Instructional Design model must adhere to analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Whatever you call the model, you must ensure that these procedures are followed so that ADDIE cannot die. So, there you have it. ADDIE is still functioning and well. It appears that we will be utilizing it or a close relative of it for many years to come.

The post Let’s Talk ADDIE appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.

What analytics leaders need to know about graph technology Fri, 14 Apr 2023 04:59:06 +0000 Graph technology is a relatively new concept in the world of analytics, with significant potential for transforming how businesses organize, analyze, and visualize their data. Analytics leaders who are considering incorporating graph technology in their operations need to understand several key aspects of this technology to make the most out of it. Here are some of the critical things that analytics leaders need to know about graph technology: What is graph technology? At its core, graph technology is a way of organizing and analyzing data that leverages the relationships among data points. Traditional relational databases are based on tables, but […]

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Graph technology is a relatively new concept in the world of analytics, with significant potential for transforming how businesses organize, analyze, and visualize their data. Analytics leaders who are considering incorporating graph technology in their operations need to understand several key aspects of this technology to make the most out of it. Here are some of the critical things that analytics leaders need to know about graph technology:

What is graph technology?

At its core, graph technology is a way of organizing and analyzing data that leverages the relationships among data points. Traditional relational databases are based on tables, but graphs are based on nodes (or vertices) and edges (or relationships). Graphs allow you to visualize and analyze complex data structures, such as social networks or supply chain networks. The relationships between nodes in graphs can represent connections between people, products, processes, or any other entities that business leaders need to understand. Graph technology provides a more natural and intuitive way of modeling data, as it mirrors the way people often think about the world.

Graph databases vs. graph analytics

It is critical to distinguish between two types of graph technology: graph databases and graph analytics. Graph databases are used to store and query structured data; they are used when businesses need to manage large amounts of data with complex interrelationships. Graph analytics, on the other hand, are used to extract insights from data stored elsewhere. Graph analytics tools enable users to analyze and visualize data more effectively by highlighting relationships between data points that may not be easily identifiable with other techniques.

Benefits of graph technology

There are several benefits associated with incorporating graph technology in analytics operations. For one, graph technology can help businesses identify patterns that might be difficult to detect with other techniques. It can be particularly useful in identifying complex relationships between data points, such as identifying influencers in social networks or understanding how different products relate to each other in a supply chain. Graphs can also help visualize data more easily than other techniques. By representing data visually, graphs can make it easier for decision-makers to understand complex relationships and recognize patterns more quickly.

Challenges of graph technology

While there are many benefits to graph technology, there are also some challenges that analytics leaders should be aware of. One key challenge is that graph technology can be relatively complex to implement and use. Many businesses may not have the internal expertise needed to design and implement graph databases effectively. Additionally, some businesses may struggle to integrate graph technology with existing analytics tools and platforms. Finally, while graphs can be very powerful for identifying relationships between data points, they may not be as effective at providing deep insights into individual data points.


There is no doubt that graph technology has the potential to transform how businesses analyze and visualize their data. However, analytics leaders need to understand the challenges and opportunities associated with this tool to make the most out of it. By being aware of the key aspects of graph technology, including what it is, how it differs from traditional databases, the benefits and challenges of using it, leaders can make informed decisions about incorporating this technology in their analytics operations. As data continues to play an increasingly important role in business decision making, incorporating graph technology is likely to become even more critical for businesses seeking a competitive advantage.

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Things to Do If Windows 11 Widgets Aren’t Working Mon, 10 Apr 2023 15:25:12 +0000 As a user of Windows 11, it can be frustrating to suddenly find that your widgets are no longer functioning as expected. The good news is that there are several things that you can do to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. 1. Restart Your PC The first step in resolving any issue on your PC is to restart your computer. This can often resolve the issue in a matter of seconds. Once your computer has restarted, check to see if your widgets are now working. 2. Enable Widgets If your widgets are not working, it may be because they have […]

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As a user of Windows 11, it can be frustrating to suddenly find that your widgets are no longer functioning as expected. The good news is that there are several things that you can do to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

1. Restart Your PC

The first step in resolving any issue on your PC is to restart your computer. This can often resolve the issue in a matter of seconds. Once your computer has restarted, check to see if your widgets are now working.

2. Enable Widgets

If your widgets are not working, it may be because they have been disabled. To enable them, right-click on the taskbar and select “widgets.” Ensure that the toggle switch is turned on.

3. Check Network Connection

Widgets require an internet connection to work properly, so make sure that your network connection is functioning correctly. If your connection is not working, reset your modem or router, or try restarting your computer.

4. Check for Updates

Ensure that your Windows 11 is up to date with the latest updates. To do this, go to the Settings app, then click on “Update & Security.” Select “Check for updates” to see if any updates are available.

5. Reinstall Widgets

If none of the above fixes have resolved the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling the widgets. To do this, go to the Settings app and select “Apps & Features.” Find the widgets app and click on “Uninstall.” Once it has been uninstalled, go to the Microsoft Store and reinstall the app.

6. Run System File Checker

The System File Checker (SFC) is also a useful tool for resolving issues with Windows 11. To run SFC, open the command prompt as an administrator, then type “sfc /scannow” and press Enter. This will scan your system for any corrupted files and replace them with new ones.

In conclusion, Windows 11 widgets not working can be a frustrating issue, but there are several ways to resolve it. By following the above tips, you can get your widgets back up and running in no time.

The post <strong>Things to Do If Windows 11 Widgets Aren’t Working</strong> appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.

Tips to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations Mon, 10 Apr 2023 15:25:12 +0000 PowerPoint presentations are an essential part of any business meeting or academic presentation. However, not all presentations are created equal. Some are engaging, informative, and unforgettable, while others are bland and forgettable. The good news is that anyone can create a great PowerPoint presentation with some tips that assist in achieving incredible results. 1. Develop a compelling storyline To make the best PowerPoint presentation, you require strong content. A storyline designed specifically for the presentation can be an effective way to keep the audience engaged. The content should be arranged in a way that is easy to follow, and the […]

The post <strong>Tips to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations</strong> appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.

PowerPoint presentations are an essential part of any business meeting or academic presentation. However, not all presentations are created equal. Some are engaging, informative, and unforgettable, while others are bland and forgettable. The good news is that anyone can create a great PowerPoint presentation with some tips that assist in achieving incredible results.

1. Develop a compelling storyline

To make the best PowerPoint presentation, you require strong content. A storyline designed specifically for the presentation can be an effective way to keep the audience engaged. The content should be arranged in a way that is easy to follow, and the storyline should capture the audience’s attention and leave them feeling informed and motivated.

2. Keep slides simple and concise

The most effective PowerPoint presentations are those that have a simple and clear slide design. Busy slides filled with text, font, and graphics can be overwhelming and confusing to viewers. Instead, opt for a simple design with minimal text that emphasizes the points you want to make.

3. Use high-quality images and graphics

Images and graphics add visual appeal to the presentation, but it’s essential to use high-quality ones that are not grainy or blurry. Use image and graphic resources from reputable sources that offer free or paid professional images like Shutterstock, Unsplash, or Canva. Another option for those on the go is to use your phone camera to capture images that you can use in your presentation.

4. Practice good slide transitions and animations

Slide transitions and animations should be subtle and not distracting. Instead, they should have a seamless effect that moves the presentation forward. Use animations and transitions that are relatively quick and natural in their movement, like fading in and out.

5. Keep it focused and concise

The best PowerPoint presentations are the ones that get to the point quickly and efficiently without dragging on. Bullet points are great for organizing content and for keeping the presentation to the point.

In conclusion, the key to making the best PowerPoint presentation is by knowing your audience, keeping to a concise script, incorporating high-quality images and graphics, practice good slide transitions, and keeping it focused and concise. With these simple tips in mind, you will be able to make a presentation that is engaging, informative, and memorable.

The post <strong>Tips to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations</strong> appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.

Tips to Optimize Your Windows 11 PC for Gaming Performance Mon, 10 Apr 2023 15:25:12 +0000 For gamers, having a computer that can handle the demands of their favorite games is essential. With the release of Windows 11, gamers have a powerful new tool at their disposal. However, just having the latest operating system is not enough. To get the most out of your Windows 11 PC, you need to optimize it for gaming performance. Here are some tips to help you do just that. 1. Keep your drivers up to date The latest drivers for your GPU and other hardware can make a big difference in gaming performance. Check the websites of the hardware manufacturers […]

The post <strong>Tips to Optimize Your Windows 11 PC for Gaming Performance</strong> appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.

For gamers, having a computer that can handle the demands of their favorite games is essential. With the release of Windows 11, gamers have a powerful new tool at their disposal. However, just having the latest operating system is not enough. To get the most out of your Windows 11 PC, you need to optimize it for gaming performance. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

1. Keep your drivers up to date

The latest drivers for your GPU and other hardware can make a big difference in gaming performance. Check the websites of the hardware manufacturers for the latest drivers and install them regularly.

2. Disable unnecessary background processes

Background processes can eat up CPU and memory resources, slowing down your gaming experience. To disable unnecessary processes, press Control+Shift+Escape to open the Task Manager. Click on the processes tab, sort by CPU or memory usage, and end any processes that you don’t need.

3. Use Game Mode

Windows 11 comes with a built-in Game Mode that prioritizes system resources for games. To activate Game Mode, press Windows Key + G to open the Game Bar, click the settings icon, and toggle the Game Mode switch to On.

4. Optimize graphics settings

Adjusting your graphics settings can help you get the best performance from your PC. Open your game and head to the graphics settings section. Adjust settings like resolution, texture quality, and anti-aliasing until you find a balance between performance and visual quality.

5. Turn off visual effects

Windows 11 comes with a variety of visual effects that can look great but use up system resources. To turn them off, go to Settings > System > Advanced system settings > Performance settings, and select “Adjust for best performance.”

6. Add more RAM

If your PC is running low on memory, adding more RAM can help boost gaming performance. Check the specifications of your motherboard to find out the maximum amount of RAM it can support.

7. Use a solid-state drive (SSD)

Using an SSD can improve your PC’s load times and reduce stuttering during gameplay. If your PC doesn’t already have an SSD, consider adding one to speed up your system.

By following these tips, you can optimize your Windows 11 PC for gaming performance, allowing you to get the best possible experience from your favorite games.

The post <strong>Tips to Optimize Your Windows 11 PC for Gaming Performance</strong> appeared first on The Tech Edvocate.
